New statistics have revealed that 20% of parents in the UK have gifted assets to their children to mitigate inheritance tax.
MacNairs + Wilson
The Scottish government have announced a new loan available for people who want to build their own homes.
The family of former tradesman Frederick Forbes who died of an asbestos-related illness have been allowed to proceed with action against executor of the estate of his former employer, despite claims from the defender that his liability had ended following his discharge.
A highly criticised aspect of Scottish Land Law which governs burdens affecting property should be replaced to resolve its uncertainties, according to the Faculty of Advocates, but they have suggested it will not be an easy undertaking.
A woman in Northern Ireland who was refused a claim for widowed parent’s allowance (WPA) because she was not married to her deceased partner, has won a ruling from the UK Supreme Court. The restrictive legislation was said to benefit those who are married or in a civil partnership, and breaches human rights law by unjustifiably discriminating against the survivor and/or children on the basis of their marital or birth status.