
MacNairs + Wilson

Macnairs + Wilson

Scotland and East Midlands have the most confident first-time buyers in the UK

Would-be first-time buyers in Scotland and the East Midlands are more likely to get on the housing ladder alone than those across the rest of the UK, new research has found.

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Macnairs + Wilson

What rights do cohabitants have to a partner's intestate estate?

Our most recent blog looked at the topic of intestacy rights for surviving spouses and civil partnerships which has been opened for public view in the latest consultation. The Scottish Government also asked whether current laws were up to date with Scotland’s typical family life and whether the rights of cohabitants and stepchildren are representative of Scotland today. We have set out a quick guide to your rights under current legislation.

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Macnairs + Wilson

Laws of intestacy could be changing in Scotland - but what is the current process?

The Scottish Government opened a consultation on the 17th February, asking the public how the laws surrounding succession could be fairer and more representative of 21st century Scotland. The consultation focuses on two key ideas – intestacy rules for surviving spouses/civil partners, and cohabitation rights.

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Macnairs + Wilson

Things Employees Should Know About Settlement Agreements

If you have been offered a settlement agreement, you might have some questions about what happens and how signing such an agreement will affect your working life. Whilst there is a lot of information online about settlement agreements, there are some specific questions we are often asked by clients. This post looks at some of the things our clients and all employees should know when it comes to negotiating or signing a settlement agreement.

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Macnairs + Wilson

Three Key Questions When Buying a Home

In amongst all the chaos down in Westminster, Scotland has had a couple of pieces of good national news. Firstly, while the unemployment rate may have risen across the UK, it has hit a record-breaking low of 3.7% in Scotland. Secondly, official figures released show a 21% year on year rise in the number of affordable homes built in Scotland, with 18,182 homes completed between June 2017 and 2018 alone. Couple that with the news that outside London monthly mortgage payments are cheaper than paying rent on the same property, it seems like now is a good time to review some of the legal questions you should be asking when buying a house.

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