
Macnairs + Wilson Solicitors Blog & News

The latest legal news, blogs and announcements from Macnairs + Wilson.
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Separated Parents Urged to Use Mediation Ahead of Holiday Season

Separated couples and those who are going through divorce have been urged by a UK family charity to use mediation to avoid disputes over the Christmas period.

Macnairs + Wilson

Rise in Legal Challenges to Wills

The number of Wills challenged in the courts reached an eight year high last year, with more than 170 cases making it to the High Court in England & Wales. And the trend doesn’t seem to be slowing, with a number of high-profile cases, such as Heather Ilott’s challenge to her mother’s Will, continuing to make significant waves in the mainstream media. Understandably, this had led a lot of people to wonder how to minise the risk of their Will being challenged when they die.

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Do we or don’t we sign a Cohabitation Agreement?

Our family law department has seen a recent increase in the number of clients seeking advice about the preparation of Cohabitation Agreements.

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Women Win Right to Reopen Divorce Settlement

Two women who stated that their ex-husbands mislead judges about how much they were worth have won their appeal to have their settlements re-examined.

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Latest updates & successes from our Employment department

June was another busy month for our employment department, with discrimination issues again coming to the fore.

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