
Macnairs + Wilson Solicitors Blog & News

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Macnairs + Wilson

Is Marriage Out Of Date?

On the 10th of February 2011, three debates were held at the Oxford Union, Cambridge Union, and in the House of Lords. These debates were all entitled “This house believes the institution of marriage is out of date” and in all three places the motion was defeated, with a clear majority unable to contemplate the possibility of marriage being out of date. Five years on, would they come to the same conclusion? We take a bird’s eye view of families today and attempt to come to a conclusion.

Macnairs + Wilson

Heir Uncovers Unexpected Inheritance

If you ever find yourself named as a beneficiary in a will, then normally the bequest that you receive is quite straightforward, such as a sum of money or a treasured memento. However, this is not always the case.

Macnairs + Wilson

Sales of Million Pound Homes

There has been a fall in Scotland in the number of sales of houses worth over one million pounds, according to Bank of Scotland. This is in contrast to the rest of Britain, where the number of sales of these properties actually increased.

Macnairs + Wilson

The Importance of Writing a Will

It is widely recognised that writing a will is an effective way of ensuring that your assets are distributed in accordance with your wishes after you die.

Macnairs + Wilson

Home Ownership Is Still an Aspiration for Many

Recent research into attitudes towards housing tenure has found that home-ownership is still the nation's overwhelming preference and aspiration - and not purely for financial reasons.

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