It can be difficult for families to initiate discussions about important topics such as retirement preparedness, eldercare and estate planning, but a recent survey by Fidelity Investments has found that children are more prepared to help out than parents might think.
MacNairs + Wilson
Disputes between family members over wills and inheritances are unfortunately more common than people might think, and a number of interesting examples have recently been reported in the media.
Despite the uncertainty caused by the Brexit decision, house prices still look likely to increase by 5.7% on average during 2016, according to the Centre for Economic and Business Research (Cebr).
The latest House Price Index has revealed that the average property price in Scotland in May 2016 was £141,142. This was an increase of 4.0% on the previous year and an increase of 2.8% when compared to the previous month.
A judge at the High Court in Ireland has been asked to decide whether the signing of a ‘home-made’ will had the effect of revoking previous wills, reports the Irish Independent.